Hello Allie,

On Wednesday, January 01, 2003, 7:15 AM, you wrote:

< ... >

A> You can do the following:

A> Create an address book entry for TBUDL and using the list address,

This entry I had already.

A> Right click the entry and select properties. Hit the 'Reply' tab,
A> enable the option 'Use a specific template for replies'.

A> Place in there, your reply template for the list (I reproduced it
A> from what I saw in your reply message so you could just copy and
A> paste the template below. There is deliberate wrapping there so you
A> don't have to adjust the macros to be a single long line.) ...

Thank you so much. I have done this now. Trying it out in this reply.
I made one manual adjustment.

In my experience reading these lists, there must be two Enter clicks below
the 'cut' line.

I just made an experiment of replying to one Lister, who said his form worked.
(I had been manually deleting everything below the 'cut' line, when
everything traveled into my Reply text editor window. That one time, I didn't
manually delete what was below his line. And it all showed up on the
Post when I received it.

I do believe there must be two lines left empty below the (-- ). So I
put them there in this message, although the template doesn't have

That's simple to do manually. :)

Again, thanks for your help.



The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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