Hello Peter,

Wednesday, January 8, 2003, 12:54:44 PM, you wrote:

PP> first let me thank you for your private mail, but it ain't
PP> necessary sending me that one. I'm reading the list and I don't

It was a spot of finger trouble, not intended, didn't realise until it
had gone!

PP> I guess you'll have to "revert" to the login stuff you've just
PP> turned off with the tips from my previous mail. But the good news
PP> is: you _can_ avoid this login popup, IF you create a new shortcut
PP> to "thebat.exe" and pass parameters to the executable.

Yes thanks, I'd found out how to use the command line switches and
managed to work it out for myself.

Best regards,
 Barry                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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