Hallo tbudl,

I'm going to install WinXP next week or so. It will be a fresh
install, so I'll have to install all programs again. Oh my... :-(

Waht about TB? I will backup the whole folder, install TB anew, and
copy everything from the old folder back to where it belongs. This
should save all preferences etc.

Am I right? Or is there a better way to do it?


Schöne Grüße
Heiko Kuschel                     - http://www.kuschelkirche.de/
                                  - http://www.kuschelchaos.de/
Ev. Kirchengemeinde Gochsheim     - http://www.stmichael-gochsheim.de/
AMIGAplus: alles für die Freundin - http://www.amigaplus.de/

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