Fri, 17 Jan 2003 08:15:54 [GMT -0500] (8:15 AM EST here) Robert Silver

> Why can't the bat with all its extra features many of them nice but
> some of them not that important do the following:

> (1) Edit or use an existing HTML editor in a seamless manner

> (2) Have the option of viewing HTML pages in its viewer. The double
> clicking attachments is cumbersome. It would be much better if that
> feature was simply optional and utilized function calls to existing
> browser code like Hotmetal used to do or other HTML editors could.

TheBat! has split the difference on this and supplied HTML
interpretation within TheBat! Instead of double-clicking the
message.html icon beside the mesage to start your browser, click on
the message.html tab below the message.

> (3) Read NNTP News Groups

I've lost patience with the slowness of browser newsreaders. There's
no reason to think that a newsreader incorporated within TheBat! would
be any better. Someone on a newsgroup suggested that it would be
better to use Xnews, a newsreader designed specifically for reading
the news. I tried Xnews.  After a few days of experimentation I found
that I like Xnews. I'll pass this tip on to you: Xnews (available free
at is a fast and convenient news reader, in
the same sense that TheBat! is a fast and convenient mail reader.

> (4) Improve the capability of backing up and restoring configuration
> information. It should be easy to backup any feature be it folder
> Sorting FILTERS etc..

      TheBat! | Tools | Backup

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition 
on Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111a


Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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