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On Friday, January 17, 2003, Thomas Fernandez wrote...

>>> It is technically possible to filter on that, very much like an
>>> HTML attachment is now shown as such in the attachment pane.
>>> Currently it is not possible to filter on attachment extensions,
>>> but I believe it is in the wishlist.

>> I'm confused... are you saying you can filter on an attachment
>> header?

> Technically, yes.

Enlighten me... I'd love to know... honest. :)

>> otherwise you'll probably start matching things in the attachment
>> body for words like sex.

> What's wrong with sex? ;-)

<g> absolutely nothing ;) I've just found that in the case of 'random'
text produced by base64 encoded files, that particular word seems to
come up the most ;) I guess the developer probably had the same sense
of humor (or at least similar) that the developer of the unix commands
had ;)

>> Plus you also have to take into account that the attachment must be
>> encoded in 7bit or 8bit, or provide a base64 decoder as part of the
>> filtering, and to be honest, that is going to slow the filtering
>> down a *lot* when it comes to bit emails.

> You say that it will slow the system down. I say that *if* you want
> to use such a filter, you will have to accept a slow-down of a few
> nano-seconds. If you don't want that, don't use such a filter. ;-)

This is true I guess, but it wouldn't be a few nano-seconds for large
attached emails. I get some in the range of 90-200meg sometimes, and
even just selecting and opening them can take some time.

- --
Jonathan Angliss



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