Hello Matt Cahill,

On or about Monday, January 20, 2003 at 14:13:08GMT -0500 (which
was 2:13 PM in the tropics where I live) Matt Cahill expressed:

MC>   I'm trying to import the contacts from my company's Outlook
MC> program to The Bat.  I think I've made *some* headway,
MC> compared to previous attempts.  I found a program called Dawn
MC> (http://www.joshie.com/projects/dawn/). Using that, I was
MC> able to go: It works pretty darn well.

The problem with address book converters is that Micro$haft seems
to alter the format (slightly) with each upgrade of the software.
This creates havoc with any design of an import function.  Only
their algorithm included with the new distro seems to be able to
correctly identify the existing format and make the adjustment.

MC> The problem is this: there are many empty-titled entries at
MC> the head of the newly imported address list...these entries
MC> contain phone numbers that for some reason belong to some of
MC> the other entries but somehow have been orphaned in the
MC> process of importing. The imported address list in Dawn (the
MC> middle step between importing from OE and exporting to TB)
MC> has all of the information intact without orphans.

This has been covered before, but is a little dicey.  It seems
that if you EXCLUDE the birthday field in the export, the problem
will be eliminated.  Someone correct me if I err.......

Warmest tropical wishes,

Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.

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 X    Say NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
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Flying in the stratosphere with The Bat! V1.61 on 
Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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