Hello Jurgen Haug !

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:14:23 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was 29.01.2003, 15:14 (GMT+0100) where I live, you (Jurgen Haug)

> well, here we go:
> BeginFilter
> EndFilter

Hmm, I will read this one later....

> I bet the error waves with both hands at you, but it doesn't at me
> O:-)

> btw how do I make the regex not mind about a new line break?


For further explanation I would like to redirect you to:

,---------- [ http://www.regenechsen.de/regex_en/regex_4_en.html ]
| s for DotAll  
|  As we learned in one of the first chapters, the dot matches any  
|  character other than the newline character. Once this option is set,  
|  the dot matches newlines as well. But this is not actually the whole  
|  truth: the newline will also be matched by all negated character  
|  classes that do not include the newline, e.g.: "[^x]" matches  
|  everything except the character 'x': that includes any newline.  

> My, this RegEx/Filter thing gives
> me headaches, but until you guys start screaming at me, I will try to
> get the gist of it!

LOL.... Just have a look at the regex-tutorial at www.regenechsen.de
for that one. Maybe this helps....

Best regards,
Tutorial for using regular expressions with TheBat! www.regenechsen.de
God wisely designed the human body so that we can neither pat our own
backs nor kick ourselves too easily.      unknown
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