Hello Allie,

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 at 06:19:52[GMT -0500](which was 11:19 where I
live) you wrote:

> To get things working the way you wish, I suggest using the INBOX as
>    your Inbox-Known folder, deactivate the Inbox-Known filter, and
>    creating a new incoming filter with the following:

>    Destination Folder: Inbox
>    String: .
>    Location: Kludges
>    Presence: Yes

> Options:
>    Continue processing with other filters.

> Advanced:
>    Enable 'Addresses must be listed in Address book:'
>    Items: Sender

>    You have just manually created a filter that basically does what the
>    Inbox-Known filter does.

I've often wondered at the usefulness of the "Known" folder and,
noticing that you can only choose one folder to send messages to, I've
not been able to see what use it has. Now you say that you should
create a different filter and not use "known". All my messages go to
the inbox anyway so why create a filter to send them there?

Oh heck it's getting late and it's been a long day. It's just that, at
the top of the "Known" filter, it says it will allow you to separate
incoming mail by address but how can that be done if only one folder
can be selected?

Best regards,

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