Hello Allie,

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 at 07:47:26[GMT -0500](which was 12:47 where I
live) you wrote:

>  You could create replied filters for this folder. It's not as
>     difficult as it would seem. Just copy the Inbox filters to the
>     replied filter group and change the source folder name to that of
>     your 'for replies' folder.

>     In this way, once a reply is sent, the message is automagically
>     moved back to its correct folder.

I've finally assigned a keystroke that marks the message that needs
replying to in underlined red, very eye catching!

>     Regularly checking your Outbox to see what drafts are there would be
>     like looking out for messages labelled with particular colours,
>     wouldn't it?

Ah, but I want to be reminded that I have _yet_ to write a reply, not
that I have one to edit in the outbox.

>     Unless, you're looking for a way for the program to actually reach
>     out to you by popping up a reminder message, but that feature is in
>     beta. We could discuss it on the beta list.

Yes, I'd like to learn the intricacies of that. I've had a look so
will move to Beta.

Best regards,

| Using The Bat! 1.63 Beta/6 & SpamPal
| Windows 2000 (build 2195), version 5.0 Service Pack 3
| and using the best browser: Opera7

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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