Hello Spike,

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, at 09:33:24 [GMT -0500] (which was 9:33:24
AM in NY, USA) Spike wrote:

>>>> Export -> Edit -> Import. That easy :)

JS>> Not easy enough for those who have to do it often.

> Easy enough for something that should not be easily done!

Point taken. But you can't veto every single possible option out
of what amounts to irrational fear.

> The issue is the ability to modify something someone wrote in a way
> they never intended.  One should NOT be able to modify a message
> without indicating PLAINLY that the original writer's message has been
> changed. The inability to easily do so is good for the 'sanctity' of
> the original poster's intentions.

One most certainly should be able to modify a message. While all
creations indeed do have a specific intent, you cannot impose a
limit on the interpretation or organization of those creations.
Once again, this argument seems to be viewed by the opposition
only within the extreme confines of group postings.

Best regards,

The Bat! v.1.63 Beta/7
Windows XP build 2600 
AMD Athlon 1Ghz 1.0 Gb RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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