Hello Newsacct,

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003 at 08:30 GMT -0500, Newsacct [N] pressed
random keys until the following was produced:

N> Well,  does  the %text remove the >s from the message? I mean, if they
N> are  already  in  the  original  text?  I  didn't think it did that. I
N> thought  that was good for replying without using the >s but I need to
N> remove ones that are already there.

Strangely enough, looking through my quick templates, it appears I
have a recursive template that can be easily adapted to do the job.  I
won't bore the rest of this list with the details, but if there is
interest expressed on TBTECH, I can post it there.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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