Hello Carsten,

THANKS! It works great! :)

There are 177 days till our trip to Disney!

Is  there  any  way  to  change  the  order  of  the  display of Quick
Templates?  Now I have all the date diff QTs at the top and the ones I
use every day moved to the bottom. Anyone?


On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, 12:27:30 PM, Carsten wrote:

CT> At least this first QT is a little different from the one you can
CT> find on http://www.immer-international.de/tb_en/index.html#date_diff

CT> IIRC the problem with the old version posted by Gerd was that The
CT> Bat! would crash on an empty %Comment string.


Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 98 4.10 Build  1998

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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