ON Thursday, March 27, 2003, 3:56:18 AM, you wrote:
JRJ> Is there an easy way to have all the addresses in all messages in a
JRJ> folder added to the address book automagically,. by use of a macro or
JRJ> some other form of voodoo??  Thanx!!

Hi Jim,

Here is the quickest way to ad a folder full of addresses.
Select one of the msg's in the folder, press ctrl-A
Now right-click ==>specials==>add sender to addressbook
Select the addressbook you want all the addresses in en press OK.
TB! will now ask you if you want all other emails have the same
treatment. Just press Yes

No need to make one-off filter this way.

Best regards,
Universal Laws of Golf: Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

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