On Monday, 2 June 2003, at 7:48:39 a.m., DZ-Jay wrote:

> Hello:         I recently upgraded from the bat v1.61 to 1.62 and I
> encountered a problem (BTW, great program! still evaluating but plan
> on registering soon!).  If I have ZoneAlarm running and try to do
> any TCP operation from The Bat!, it will just stall there endlessly.

And here was I thinking I should be upgrading.  :-O

> The behaviour is exactly like when ZoneAlarm asks you if you want to
> allow a program to access the Internet and you clicked on "NO",
> except that it is not asking me.

It sounds like ZoneAlarm already thinks it knows the program (how
would be an interesting question).  Have you checked through all the
program definitions in ZoneAlarm to see if there is an entry that
could be matching?  Usually, when you upgrade an app, you get an
'updated program' alert.  Perhaps you managed to bugger it somehow
when that came up?

> Anybody has heard of this problem before? Is there a work around?
> should I report it as a bug? is there anything I can do?

Not had this kind of problem, but am using earlier version of TB!



Using The Bat! v1.61
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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