Hello Daniel,

Friday, June 20, 2003, 5:49:43 PM, you wrote:

DR> I think this should be a short-term solution. And, that a more
DR> permanent solution be implemented in the next version of TB (1.63). In

Are you saying that Ritlabs is aware of this problem and that a
solution is near completion?  I was browsing thru their bugtrap and
saw a bug titled "Mail fetching (POP3) hangs " dated Jan 22.  I wonder
if this is the same one that I'm experiencing.  Perhaps I should
report mine?

DR> example, have an option so that the check messages is done
DR> sequentially.  This is probably a scenario that either wasn't thought
DR> of at design time and/or nobody reported before.

As I've said before, I've tried Pegasus which doesn't have this bug
b/c it seems to be checking the accounts sequentially.  However, it
also seems to be very slow, much slower than TB when I tested them out
by having them check only 4 accounts (the limit imposed by my email
provider).  So perhaps we should be allowed to specify how many
accounts to check at a time to minimize the possible performance loss.
But then of course my tests were not exactly precise scientific
experiments.  And also, I'm assuming here that this 4-at-a-time
limit is the source of the problem, which may or may not be.

Best regards,
 choppystride                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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