On Sunday, 3 August 2003, at 1:16:43 p.m., Deborah W wrote:

> Question 2: While looking in the archives for this info, I came across a
> thread titled "First email client with built in Popfile". In this
> thread, Carsten Thonges gave a cut & paste for a filter which could be
> used to re-classify messages easily using a TB shortcut. I've tried to
> copy & paste the filter, changing the Opera bit to a Mozilla bit (since
> that's my browser of choice) but it isn't working for me - is there
> anyone who would be willing to have a look at it to see if they can get
> it to work? TIA :-)

Deborah, I don't know if you saw the subsequent postings I made with
regard to Carsten's filter.  My problem boiled down to the template
being coded for a Beta version.  Mine is below, and I have it working
on v1.62r.

%SetPattRegExp='^X-POPFile-Link: <(.*?)>$'%-
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "%SubPatt='1'"

Hope this helps.


Using The Bat! v1.62r
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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