On Monday, 4 August 2003, at 1:24:08 a.m., Deborah W wrote:

AJ>> %SetPattRegExp='^X-POPFile-Link: <(.*?)>$'%-
AJ>> %RegExpBlindMatch="%Headers" "C:\Program Files\Internet
AJ>> Explorer\iexplore.exe" "%SubPatt='1'"

> Thank you - but I still can't get it to work. I replaced the appropriate
> bit in Carsten's filter with the bit you gave me above, then cut &
> pasted the whole filter into the Sorting Office, but no luck. I'm
> getting something that looks like it might be a DOS screen when I try it
> - but it flashes up so briefly I can't tell. It's not doing anything
> for POPfile as far as I can tell :-(

Yes, there is a DOS window involved.  It's the batch (.bat) file being

I went through pretty much the same problem you are having. Once
you've tried your filter, have a look at the contents of the batch
file and see what you are getting. In my case, I was getting the
entire header content of the email at first. My template above should
get around that, but you may find when you look at the batch file it
becomes clearer what it is attempting to do, and therefore where the
problem is.

I also tried running the batch file manually from the command line and
then playing with the contents to see what actually worked, before
amending the template.


Using The Bat! v1.62r
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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