Hello Paul,

On  Monday, 11. August 2003, at 17:28:03 [GMT -0400] you wrote:

>>>  I'm using web2pop with TBV1.63/B5 and the new v2 beta. No problems here.
>>>  and my yahoo account is pbcartwright

TM>> How rare, i access Yahoo directly with Thebat! It seams that the Argentine
TM>> pop and smtp servers are  still free for use.

TM>> POP:    pop.mail.yahoo.com.ar
TM>> Smtp:   smtp.mail.yahoo.com.ar

> so how did you get an Argentine server??
> I tried to create a POP account and use those servers, it didn't work.

i have an "yahoo.com.ar" Account. And i can access the pop and smtp server
via TB directly without problems.



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