* Samson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I login my computer via 2 different ways with different resolution:

> - via console, 1600x1200
> - via terminal service, 1024x768

> my account tree is so long that it just fits in 1600x1200 without
> scroll bar. so, when i login via 1024x768 rez, it must have a scroll
> bar for me to access all accounts.

> but, if my previous login was using 1600x1200, when thebat is run in
> 1024x768 next time, the account tree still thinks it is in 1600x1200,
> and thus doesn't show the scroll bar. thus i cannot access some
> accounts on the bottom. [...]

> the tricky thing is, it seems that thebat always performs an "auto
> adjustment" for every 3 startup. that is to say, if it doesn't show
> scroll bar in 1024x768, i need to close thebat, open it, close it,
> open it, bingo, the scroll bar appears. and vice versa for 1600x1200.

You don't have to restart The Bat!. As another workaround just
double click TB!'s title bar twice (fullscreen and restore) and the
scroll bar appears.

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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