Hello Adam,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 8:28:54 PM, you wrote:

A>>>>> I wonder if you have tried such a solution. Or have you tried
A>>>>> some other method to create an archive, and either succeeded or
A>>>>> failed at it?

MW>>>> I archive my mailing lists using a manual filter that moves old
MW>>>> messages to an archive folder, which is located on another drive. Dare

A>>> So are you moving like all the mail. Like a null string for the
A>>> Filtering String?

MW>> Did you mean to reply to the list?

A> You mean, just now? I thought I'd PM (private mail) just so I'd
A> understand the details, and how it relates to the goal, before
A> continuing the thread on-line.

MW>> My mailing lists are in common folders so I've created a read message
MW>> filter that searches for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for this list)
MW>> and moves messages older than 90 days (or whatever). This feature is in
MW>> the Advanced tab. To archive, I right-click on the folder and select
MW>> Re-filter Messages.

A> I think I tried a filter to try archiving. But it took like 10
A> minutes, or half hour or something. Rather long.

Should take that long. Maybe first time will be a little longer but
not 10 or more minutes. Have you run the Folder Maintenance Centre?

A>>> Does the process produce duplicates?

MW>> None, the messages are moved.

A> Ah. Sounds like you are just dividing sections of messages. Perhaps
A> parcelling off some older messages, just into a section more
A> cultivated for older messages maybe. As opposed to maintaining a
A> complete archive off from the main store, or list mail from TBUDL, for
A> example.

I guess so. However, between the two folders I have a complete
archive. I don't need a single archive folder as TB! can search
selected folders as if they're all together.

MW>> TB! is great for searching so I decided not to buy Mailbag Assistant.

A> Yep. MA seems to have a different model for how you'll be operating.

What I really would like is some way of automating the archiving

A> The archiving topic has turned up a lot on TBUDL. But mostly they
A> recommended MA. And the within-TB solutions were not terribly well
A> described. So I felt there may be a hole in my knowledge somewhere,
A> and thought I'd probe.

I can't see any benefit in having MBA - TB! seems to manager mail
better and is really fast at searching.

Best regards,
Martin Webster

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