Hello, Thomas:

First, a big thank you. We are getting closer to success.

You wrote:

TF> Try this: Close Outlook and The Bat. Open Internet Explorer. Go to
TF> Tools / Internet Options / Programs. Choose Outlook for Email.
TF> Click OK. Close IE. Re-open IE. Go to Tools / Internet Options /
TF> Progams. Choose The Bat! for Email. click OK. Close IE. Open The
TF> Bat and see whether your problem persists.

Done.  Now, Outlook seems to be finally irrelevant to the operation of
The Bat.

Curiously, I still see "A call to an OS function failed" when I run
The Bat NOLOGO. This startup, and the normal (with logo) startup both
require an ENTER after I double-click on the icon.

I guess I should be happy now. Pigs want wings, too.

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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