Am I missing something, or is it not possible for the HTML editor in
v2.00 to be set as the default?

I was expecting much fuller HTML editing support in v2.00 ... i.e.
HTML default editor & HTML templates.

I don't want to open a can of worms here (or maybe I do) but what
is wrong with using HTML in email? what is behind TB's relegation of
HTML to the backburner?

I've heard the purists talk of 'bloatmail'/bandwidth issues, but why
is this such an issue?

Surely the enormous formatting flexibility available with HTML email outweighs
the bandwidth issue. After all, we're not on the brink of bandwidth
rationing, are we? I appreciate some of us pay for the bandwidth we
use, but text only HTML emails will use a negligible amount of
extra bandwidth compared to plain text ones. Isn't this correct?

Is it a reaction to the practices of spammers & the influence of MS? or
something more technical?

I can make plain text messages look OK in TB! but I'm aware whenever I
send mail that the P.T. usually looks pretty dreadful on recipient's

woops! ... gone a bit OT.


David Boggon


The International Centre for Nonviolent Communication:

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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