Hi Allie,

DB>> I can make plain text messages look OK in TB! but I'm aware whenever I
DB>> send mail that the P.T. usually looks pretty dreadful on recipient's
DB>> machines.

AM> Would you explain this further?

I was thinking back to my Outlook Express days ... plain text messages
looked, well, plain. I either didn't know or didn't care that I could
configure the display font, and the different colours for lines of reply which TB
is capable of was not so in OE, for instance.

Many end users don't know enough/have enough time/have the inclination
to delve into the plain text display settings of their client, and so
plain text messages with fixed width fonts and no bold & italics and
font sizes/colours look very plain indeed beside their HTML

AM> The problem with HTML mail is its overwhelming abuse. The ability to
AM> make it the default editor encourages such abuse.

Hmmm. While some people who use HTML mail may abuse it, it is the
spammers etc themselves who are at fault, not HTML, I think.

AM> I hate when HTML mail forces me to read it with a particular font and font
AM> size.

Well yes, that's precisely my point. TB too makes it difficult for
people to exercise the choice of HTML over plain text, for those
prefering HTML who are also responsible users.

But this is a political issue as well as a preferential one.

Having said all this, if it really is an issue of principle, I applaude
TB! for not selling out. The purist attitude to me does seem a little
groupy, though ... and I wonder how sustainable it is in reality.


David Boggon


Narcissism is a necessary transitional phase during the consolidation of the ego.
  - Eric Neumann

Using The Bat! 2.00 on Windows 2000
Service Pack 4


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