T> http://rss.blogstreet.com/asp-rssbin/quicktour_asp-rss/

T> Does anyone have any experience with using this?

I  imagine this is some thing we should take OT but, I will say that I
do  use  it,  and with reasonable success.  TB! 2's IMAP support to be
thanks, it's quite nice.  My only complaint would be [and here's where
it  starts  to fall notably OT] that its updates are a bit slower than
they  would  be if you were using a regular aggregator.  I like having
it in TB, though, so I stick with it.

  | Peace, Be well
  | Allen
  | One of my poems chosen at random specifically for you:
  | http://jarday.com/harvest/010.shtml
  | Running The_Bat! version 2.00.6
  | Windows XP Service Pack 1 build 2600

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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