Hello Martin and Matt,

On Friday, September 12, 2003, 8:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
M> Saturday, September 13, 2003, 12:18:12 AM, you wrote:

PJ>> the source info shows in the message
PJ>> pane. I can't seem to find where in the options to change this. Can
PJ>> someone please direct me?

M> I presume you mean the mail headers? If so, try the View menu and
M> un-check RFC-822 headers.

Yes I guess I did mean the mail headers-- and thank you, unchecking in
the View menu or toggling shift+ctl+k eliminates them.

M> BTW, you need a space after the "--"; i.e. "-- " to display signatures
M> correctly.

I don't know why the sig is different now. I'll try and change it!
Thank you for the heads up.

Best wishes,



A Canadian in Houston
Using TB v2.00.6 on Windows XP


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