
Sunday, September 14, 2003, 12:45:58 AM, you wrote:

CT> * Thomas Fernandez writes:

CT> You could see it just the other way: dial-up users are people with a
CT> poorly configured OS', many of them don't even know what a Service
CT> Pack or Security Update is.

Some of us are stuck with dial-up because there are no other options where we live. 
Nonetheless, we do keep up to date with service patches, virus definition files, etc., 
even though the downloads are slow.

CT> It is not important for how long one is online. It needs seconds to
CT> implant malware (maybe a remote control tool, communicating via IRC
CT> and disabling a desktop firewall) through the well known security
CT> holes of an unpatched system.

I agree. Zone Alarm has sometimes warned of scans within seconds of logging on. They 
were obviously scanning blocks of addresses, but without ZA or some other firewall I 
would have been vulnerable. I get anywhere from 2 - 10 alerts when I'm connected, 
which is usually 15 - 45 minutes per connection.

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