On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 17:32:48 +0200, gd_news wrote

> I'm using The Bat! 1.62, there are multiple mail accounts set up.
> These accounts use different providers. The PC is connected to a LAN
> all the time.

> Now, sometimes when the automatic mailbox check is done or when I
> press  "check mail for all", I get prompted with a window to confirm
> username and password and a checkbox named  "Update account's data".
> This shouldn't happen - the accounts have not changed in any way.   

Don't know that I have an answer, but can confirm I see the same thing from 
time to time (using v 1.62). I have 8 or 9 accounts, but see the error in the 
same 1 or 2. The only thing I have been able to surmise is that it is an 
error on the server side where the auhtentication fails, but doesn't report 
out as such.


Patrick G.
(Sorry if this dupes - looks like I sent from an unsubbed address the 1st go-
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