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Hi Andrew,
In a message with mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On 30 Sep 2003 15:41:34  (my local time 16:41:34), you typed:
KE>> Sorry, i must be tired or something, i don't fully understand where
KE>> the problem lies, on the other hand, I've never used the "view source"
KE>> feature, so can't really say what this is supposed to do.

AH>   It  displays the email in its entirity including the header, and the
AH>   different  mime  entities  in the raw format.  Press f9 on any email
AH>   and  a  window  will pop up displaying the full source of the email.
AH>   If you go to the edit menu, you can sellect all, then copy and paste
AH>   it  into  notepad, but it would be nice to read the contents of that
AH>   window.

Ok, i see where you're coming from there. Yes, that would definitely
be nice. I guess to leave a bug report, i'll have to sign up for an
account in the bug tracker, but if Thomas F still compiles a list of
accessibility related bugs, could you please add it to it?

KE>> tab around the dialog, this seems to work kinda nice.
KE>> Sorry i couldn't be of more help.

AH>   The  tab  key works to get you round the box, and if you press space
AH>   on  the  buttons  it works fine, but if you for example press alt+c,
AH>   which  is  the  shortcut for change, it doesn't work (or as far as I
AH>   can see it doesn't).

Hmm, and you can't go outside an edit field and then just press "c"
either... I don't personally see this as an issue of very high
priority, but then again, that's me, and different people have
different needs, but of course the shortcut to the button provided
should work. Anyone else notised this behavior?

- --
/Krister mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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