Hello Carsten,

Monday, October 13, 2003, 10:08:23 AM, you wrote:

>> can't we do the same with TB's Selective Download?

CT> Last but not least it is a command line tool, so you can run it
CT> regularly (via an other's machine cron job, if you don't have a
CT> flatrate).

     I've found a Windows program on the internet called 'Spam Buster'
     which can be found at:

     Its free, apart from the ads for Contacts own products, and seems
     to work very well, It can run as a stand alone application and is
     very easy to set up, and deletes off the server which is exactly
     what I was looking for.

Best regards

Using TB version 1.62r

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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