10/20/2003, 9:04 PM: ETM said in "TheBat! on a blacklist?"

WH>>> I thought 2.01 was already out.

A>> I  guess  there  will be a new-er 2.01 build -- 2.01.01 or some thing of
A>> the sort? I just copied/pasted what I read . . .

E> Will the new build be announced here?

It  was,  not  officially,  by  several people on this list . . . in any


Peace, be well
J Allen R Day                                      http://protempore.org

The Bat! 2.01.3, BayesIt! 0.4gm | Windows XP Service Pack 1 build 2600

I  know  what  I  believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe.
What I believe -- I believe what I believe is right. -George W. Bush

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