Privet Vasiliy,

Monday, October 27, 2003, 8:09:14 PM, you wrote:

> I'm  not  sure that I correct understand what you means but try to ask
> on this.
> I  think  that  some  people  has  their some reasons to prevents some
> information  from "strange eyes". And choosing of SB! as email program
> is not a paranoia.
> As about me. I don't use encrypted disk(s) for storage TB!'s mails and
> others  information  because  it  is not necessary now and I know that
> nobody  don't able to access into my computer (at home). But I believe
> that  at office are very useful utilities for restricting of access to
> computer.

that's exactly what I meant. I just tried to say it in a mildly ironic way, that's 
all. If I'd have sound reasons to worry, then I just thought SB would be the right 

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