Hi Martin

Tuesday, October 28, 2003, 3:31:13 AM, you wrote:

V>> I'm not sure what your point here is..did I miss something in the discussion?

MW> Yes, I think so...

How? I read the whole thread. Were you talking about the repair scenario?

MW>>> Still more probable than a complete stranger sitting in front of my PC
MW>>> and reeking havoc with his hex editor. (assuming he can log on and
MW>>> access my folders) I think someone would notice that! :-)

V>> This is actually completely unnecessary if this stranger somehow manages to
V>> install a trojan on your machine remotely.

MW> And again. :-)

No, I don't think I missed anything here. You and others seemed to imply that
reading those plaintext passwords was only possible if someone had physical
access. Either when he sat down at your machine to carry out the exploits
mentioned in the article, or when you gave your hard disk out for repair. This
isn't necessary.



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