On Friday, November 14, 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote...

>>> As a matter of reference, does TB allow me to use IMAP in a manner
>>> which is similar to POP saving all mail locally and deleting it
>>> from the server.

>> Yes and no. The emails are kept in a local cache to save loading on
>> the server, the emails can quickly be accessed from that. The
>> problem is, you have to read the emails online first for it to work
>> offline. So I'd say not really in the way you are probably looking
>> for.

> I think there is an option to retrieve more than just the headers
> when retrieving messages. If not, I am fairly sure IMAP allows such
> a functionality.

Of course, otherwise how do you read your emails ;) There are various
synchronization options available (right click a folder, and see in
there), but those are preemptive options, ie while you're reading
mail, it collects the items you have selected for that folder. That
makes reading the message faster on next loading, or that is how I've
seen it working.

>>> Conversely, does TB allow me to use IMAP and store every message
>>> on the server, never locally?

>> IMAP is a protocol that stores the message on the server. That is
>> the nature of the protocol.

> Well, IMAP is supposed to be a superset of POP. So I would say this
> statement is not the whole truth.

Not entirely true... they're two different protocols, they work
completely differently.

> It is designed to allow operation like POP for those that desire it.
> Perhaps this misconception is what makes IMAP less than it's design.

Erm, not really. You cannot do 90% of the things with POP that you can
do with IMAP. It's also uses an entirely different command structure,
and reply format.

Jonathan Angliss

Keep your mouth shut and people will think you're stupid; Open it and
you'll remove all doubt.

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