Hello rich gregory,

on Fri, 14 Nov 2003 22:13:05 -0500 (2003-11-15 04:13:05 in .nl) in the
message with reference <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you
wrote (at least in part):

rg>>> physical security ... access to your computer
PO>> something a user, has to take care of him/herself.
rg>>> warnings include X-Headers that identify the attachments directory,
rg>>> CR/LF mishandling, and other things.
PO>> Something new to me. Any references / explanations?

rg> Just a matter of curiosity I did a quick web search and found these. I would
rg> guess there are more (if I'd have chosen other search terms) and accepting
rg> no software is COMPLETELY bug-free I wanted to see what I was up against
rg> here. These both look old, but my original question was meant to see if there
rg> are other, newer, know issues to work-around.

rg> http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/archive/bugtraq/2001/04/msg00368.html
rg> http://lists.insecure.org/lists/bugtraq/2002/Feb/0373.html

<quote>Content-Type: apllication/exe; name=lpt1 </quote>

Not sure this would be a TB (or any non-M$ software) bug.
Long time ago, when there was no M$-Windows, the M$-Dos ages, one could
hang a PC using such 'pre defined' names also.

rg> EXAMPLE: I did in Eudora, as I now do in TB!, have my attachments directory
rg> set to a non-default name and location so that at least those files will less
rg> likely be rooted out by script-kiddie ne'er-do-wells. Of course doing this
rg> did give me a problem I now need to address!!!

Well, using non-standard install/save locations and such is what I do
since many years also. My Windows ain't on c: to start with. Neither is
my TB msg base stored in its original suggested location, not even on
the PC I use to type this.

rg> AFTER TB! was installed (and after TB "knew" to place attachments in it's own
rg> default directory)

Ya, some trade-off for the 'average' Windows user I guess.
At least it's not even as nearly that bad taking over your PC as M$

rg> I moved the attachment directory and the files within so
rg> of course now TB thinks the (affected) attachments are 0-byte files! Anyone?

Well, you gotta inform TB where you moved them.
In general: use account/folder properties to move things around.

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -
Created the above using
A program which insists to be : The Bat! V2.01.26
An OS which insists to be     : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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