Hi guys,

Anyone have any experience configuring TB! to work with ZoneAlarm
personal firewall and a local mail server (actually I am using Computer
Associates EZ Personal Firewall but from what I can see it is exactly
the same as ZoneAlarm in all but name)?

I have a Mailtraq mail server installed and working locally on my
machine and have everything configured so that everything works almost
perfectly except, with the personal firewall running, every so often
TB! will download duplicate messages from the server. There appears to
be no pattern to which duplicate messages are retrieved i.e. they
could be from last week or from 10 months ago. I can find no help on
this matter from the firewall help file and cannot get the web-based
tech support to work for me either so was hoping that someone out
there has a similar setup that works ok.

Incidentally, I only noticed this happening using TB! version 2.01.3
so rolled back to the previous version but the problem didn't go away.
Also, with the same personal firewall installed on another machine in
the same LAN i.e. a machine that does not have a mail server on,
everything works OK, there are no dupes - the firewall is
configured in exactly the same way on both machines. The presence of
the mail server on the problem machine is obviously the key here. Turn
off the firewall and everything works fine.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Steve Mulhall
CMC Partnership (UK) Ltd
The Bat version 2.01.3
Windows 2000 SP3 Build 2195

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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