Hello thebat,

On Friday, November 21, 2003, 11:18:47 AM, you wrote:

> Hi Susanne,

>> I've been using TB with hotmail popper for a few days, to
>> receive my msn mail, and am noticing that I get a lot of
>> duplicate mails, and a bunch of "ghost mails" that are completely empty.
>> No subject text, sender or recipient anywhere to be found.

>> Has anyone experienced something similar, or have a
>> suggestion why this might be happening?

> I had the very same problem (although on regular POP3 mail) when I
> used the BayesIT plugin. It somehow deleted, ghosted or corrupted my
> email, especially if there were attachments.

> I solved this by using another Bayes filtering plugin which works
> flawlessly so far. Just try disabling anti-spam plugin, it may very
> well come from that.

I'm Using Hotmail popper 2.1.0 and the BayesIT plug-in and every
thing is fine. Never had these double or ghost mails with HM
popper, not even with older versions.

I did have this with Yahoo Popper, so maybe it's something about
your connection.

Maybe you can download your mail but leave them on the server and
then check hotmail manually to see what is actually there.


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