Hello Susanne,

On Friday, November 21, 2003, 11:27:11 PM, you wrote:

>> Do you run anything else like proxomitron or spampall?

> No, I don't, but I really don't know what MSN's modem may be
> doing? Built-in fire wall?
Normally in a modem there is no fire wall, but I do not know this

> I'm unfortunately stuck with MSN broadband, and don't want
> to use the webbased mail.
> If I can't work this out, I will have to, though.
In worse case (hope that they are not reading this) you can use
outlook express to download the mail. You than do not have to use
the web site and remove the messages by dragging them from the
hotmail folder (in OE) to an folder that you created.

> I looked at Web2pop, but it seems you can only receive mail
> with it, not send...

There are others here that use it so maybe they can give you some
Or you can this to download and use hotmail popper to send. Or do
you have trouble with that to?


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Well, they asked me in February, and I said it was coming out in
November. When they asked in March, I said it was coming out in
November. In April I pointed out that November, in fact, was
going to be when the next book came out. In May, when asked on
many occasions about when Maskerade was coming out, I said
November. In November, it will be published. The same November
all the way through, too. -- So Terry, when is 'Maskerade' coming
out, then? (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)

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