Greeting Bat Folks,

I've been hunting around and trying various tools to download my
email from hotmail. For a while the best I had found was MrPostman.
But it kept its tag on the tool bar. I tried to run the routines to
convert it into a service but failed miserably. Then when I upgraded
my java to 1.4.2_01, MrPostman totally failed. Thus my search
resumed. But I have come across another hotmail download agent that
installs clean, is low maintenance, runs as a service and runs
straight out of the box (you dont have to change your transport port
address, but it is configurable if you want to). It's called Blue
HTTP Mail (proxy) and is downloadable at:
First 2 days of evaluation I would say it even beats MrPostman in
download speed.

Anyway that is my 2 bits for anyone else looking for a Hotmail
download agent.

Captain, I need to kill someone. - Worf

BTW, I'm running it on an Windows XP box with 512mb ram, 2.8Ghz P4,
cable-modem broadband, and TheBat 2.01beta56.

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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