On Thu, 4 Dec 2003 10:14:15 -0800, Darrin wrote :

> Is there a way to send a message back to sender as undeliverable? I thought
> there was with TB! but cant seem to locate it.

There is with a QT. It's called bounce... Believe it or not :)

You'll need to add your ISP in this bit that is at the bottom

Highlight all the text you want to bounce, press F4. Type bounce and hit
ctrl+enter and it'll generate a message saying your address has no valid

------------------------------------- 8<--------------------------------

|------------------------- Message log follows: -------------------------|
no valid recipients were found for this message
|------------------------- Failed addresses follow: ---------------------|
|------------------------- Message text follows: ------------------------|

Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was
not found.  Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try
sending it again if there were any mistakes.

It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation,
so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to
send it again.  If the problem continues, contact your friendly
system administrator.

The following recipients did not receive this message:


Original text from %TOADDR:



%SUBJ=""%SUBJ="Mail System Error - Returned Mail"



Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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