Melissa Reese, [MR] wrote:

MR> Eek! After installing, I had to go through all my folders and
MR> completely start over with arranging message list columns, threading
MR> and sorting preferences, etc. What a pain. :-(

How did you fare?

Setting things up in way that's trouble free can be tricky. This is an
excerpt of the 'recipe' I wrote in TBBETA:

,----- / mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] \
| I suggest settings things up the following way. This is how I have
| things working. The basic setup is to have most folders using a specific
| view setting, enabled via the folder properties.
| First, right-click the message list header bar and select 'NONE'. This
| makes all folders revert to using none as their view mode.
| Now select a folder you wish to use one of your special views. Via the
| folder's properties panel, enable this view as a specific view for that
| folder. Below that config option is the 'Copy To' button. Use that to
| copy the View setting to other folders you wish to use that View. This
| is now a lot faster than the routine we had before of having to enable
| 'Use default column settings' in each folders properties. Do the
| same for other views until things are setup.
| From then on, things should behave pretty well, provided you
| override/switch views for a single folder, using the 'Folder View Mode'
| menu accessed by either right clicking on a folder where it's in that
| context menu, or using the main windows main 'Folder' menu. You can also
| do the same using shortcuts. Do NOT use the message column headers
| context menu to switch folder views since this view switch is *global*
| and cannot be overridden by folder specific views settings.
| Finally, if you use Alt-0, Alt-1 or any other sorting option while
| viewing a folder using one of your views, you're in effect, altering
| that views settings, pretty much as you'd be doing if you were to adjust
| the column widths.
| The only way to do that sort of thing without affecting a Views setup is
| to have the folder using its own column setup and not using one of your
| special view modes.

Of course, if things are working for you then don't change things.
However, if things are messing up then try this method.

I'm also pre-empting the help others may start calling for.

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