
Thursday, December 11, 2003, 11:27:53 PM, you wrote:

JK>   I use RegistryProt. This program asks permission for changes in the
JK>   registry.
JK>   Since I installed 2.02 CE, after _every_ reboot, I have to give
JK>   permission because RegistryProt says that this key has been added:
JK>   PATH=Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/RunOnce
JK>   NAME=The Bat!
JK>   etc.

This may be related with "Start program after system halt" option in
the Preferences. While it is active, The Bat! starts up with Windows
if you shut down Windows while The Bat! is running.

Sorry for bad English.

Best regards,
 Zeynel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Translation of Turkish The Bat!
Using The Bat! v2.02.3 CE 

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