Roelof Otten, [RO] wrote:

RO> Actually I thought he meant a new message from the AB. I'm still using
RO> 2.01.03 and when I select a folder in the AB and go for a new message
RO> the folder is in the to-header as <list>

You meant address book group when you said folder in your sentence
above, right?

If Tony meant address book group as well, I still don't see what he's
referring to since what happens when I do this is what always happened.
As you said, the address book group's alias in placed in the To: field.

  /____, \             -=allie_M=- | List Moderator
 {_____}`{}        PGP Key -
(/ . . \)       ___________________..__________________
{`-=^=-`}       Using TB! v2.03.6 on WinXP Pro (SP1)
{   `   }
 {     }                                                         

Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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