Hello all,
Tuesday, December 16, 2003, Mark Thomas wrote:

MT>>> Damn if I still don't get these same errors on just about every mail
MT>>> message I get that has HTML in them. Sometimes I even get this on
MT>>> "PLAIN TEXT" emails. Only after the error has appeared on a html
MT>>> message.

MT>>> I wish this could be fixed.  Anyone else having this AGGRAVATING
MT>>> problem?

AM>> I haven't seen that error in a very long time.

AM>> I'm afraid I can't confirm this. :(

> I see it every day, 20 or 30 times per day! But thanks anyway!

please add macros with The Bat! version to Your template or enable
option "Use X-mailer header in messages" in program Preferences
dialog. Information about Your OS and configuration can manytimes
helps too.



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat! 2.03.11
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
AMD ThunderBird 1,2 GHz, 512 MB RAM

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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