Hello Scott,

On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 03:07:47 -0600 GMT (1/3/2004, 1:07 AM +0700 GMT),
Scott wrote:

S> I have been having the problem lately that if I delete or abort a task in the
S> connection center, it will stay open with nothing listed.  When I close it, then
S> try to quit thebat, it says "some tasks are now active" but the connection
S> centre is still showing empty.  Since this does not seem normal, what can I do
S> to correct this?

I'm using the newest version and have the same problem. Seems to
happen most often after an auto mail check. As I type this the
connection center (centre) is stuck at 100% on a message. I will have
to go into task manager to kill The Bat application.

I remember other users having this problem several months and versions
ago, but couldn't find the tbudl archives.

Best regards,

- CD: Civil Defense thru Civil Disobedience.  NEVER DISARM!

The Human Race proudly using The Bat! 2.02.3 CE
Windows 2000 Professional  5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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