Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on  1/29/2004 01:24 PM:

scc> "Why do we have infrequent slowdowns of e-mail downloading, that
scc> can be solved with nothing more than a cold reboot?"

pm>When did you compress the message base the last time?

Hi, Peter.  I have never compressed the message base.  I never thought
about it.  (Here at the office, compression is done autormatically every
night with Lotus Notes.) However, does defragmentation accomplish the same
thing?    Even if compression is a good thing to do on a regular basis (and
how would I schedule that?),  would that really solve the occasional
slowdown problem given that a cold reboot doesn't compress  messages, but
it did solve my problem.  At least for a while.

Avram Sacks

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