Hallo Costas,

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 17:52:31 +0200GMT (3-2-04, 16:52 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

CP> I  noticed  that when I attach files to send with The Bat, if the file
CP> has  a  double extension e.g. filename.xls.asc the file to attach as I
CP> see  it  in  the  "Add  a  File  (MIME/Base64)"  window  is  shown  as
CP> filename.xls.  Extension  2 (.asc in my above example) is not shown in
CP> the  list  of  files,  however,  the  tooltip does state the file type
CP> according to extension 2.

I can reproduce that.
That's your Windows configuration, you've configured your windows
explorer to keep known extensions from being shown. When you do show
them, TB shows them too. For files with two extensions this setting is
only relevant for the last one, hence the behaviour you describe.

Groetjes, Roelof

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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