Mau, [M] wrote:

>> Since there is no need for a cursor in a message box, unless
>> specifically selecting text would it be possible to have the cursor
>> not appear in any messages, unless you click with the mouse.

M> My goodness! People is probably going to jump on me because I
M> complain about the long greetings (or however they are called), some
M> times three complete lines, appearing in some messages and here you
M> are asking if the cursor could be removed. ;-)

I think his problem is not with a space occupying object in the message
viewer space, which in this case, happens to be a blinking sliver of
black that represents the cursor. His problem is similar to mine in that
when the cursor is in the viewer, one has to watch the cursor make its
way to the bottom of the screen before any scrolling starts. If we're
not editing, then why have a cursor there to be causing this shortfall.

Holding down the alt-key while scrolling prevents that inconvenience.
However, it's tacky to do so on a regular basis. One good solution would
be to use the spacebar and get accustomed to full page scrolling or use
the Rich Text Viewer.

     -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
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