Hello MAU!

On Wednesday, February 04, 2004, 5:39 PM, you wrote:

MRB>> So, send me a Reply template that will strip out all that
MRB>> beginning-stuff which posters so often put in before getting to the
MRB>> point, and I'll send you a valentine, and we'll see how it goes! :)

M> Just include this macro at the beginning of your template:


Done. Thanks a million. :)

MRB>> How many grandchildren do you have? <g>

M> None. But I won't tell you why :)

Not relevant anyway. <G> Not really a very good clue to one's age. :)

Since we both prefer plain text, here's your valentine message from

Happy Valentine to Miguel,
Who writes templates so well,
Who likes beer and likes coffee,
Though his age he won't tell!

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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