--> Thursday, February 5, 2004, 1:55:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> [ Python and a plug-in ]

>> You can do a lot. This template results in the attached message.
>> I just started this yesterday, all for the sake of my spam solution.
>> Let me know if you have any suggestions, or if I missed something.

>> #  Exec executes a dos command and returns the output

> Do we need it? I'd keep the plug-in as simple and tiny as
> possible. But okay.

Why does it have to be as tiny as possible?

Yeah I think I need it. There's also TRIM. These are functions I
have deemed useful for executing Python code flexibly in The Bat.

>> #  Py executes python code, print statements go to msg
>> #  Pyx evaluates a python expression, result to msg

> I'd suggest to rename the macros to %Python and %PythonEval. Isn't
> that a lot more beautiful? :-)

I used to have those, and renamed to Py and Pyx because
I thought those were a lot more beautiful actually...

Py is obvious, Pyx is Python eXpression, akin to the Win32
convention of appending Ex to new or revised API functions.

I wrote this because I've never used TB macros and templates.
I will start using templates now, via Pyxie, and I won't have
much (or any) real TB code in them. I wanted the names terse.

>> #  Python env is global and includes auto-imported tb module

> Fine. Again, I wouldn't call this module »tb« but »thebat«. IMHO tb
> is a little short and likely (?) to conflict with any other module.

That might be a consideration, but I like to be terse in code.
It does look like I cornered the module-named-tb market though.
Perhaps if another comes along which we find ourselves using in
our tb macros we can use this same argument on them instead. :p

>> #  Python Exceptions and others go to msg with a stacktrace

> Very good.

> [ Example ]

> This is so cool :-)

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