Chris, [C] wrote:

C> 1. To make the previously replied to text only have one '>'
C> character before it - after a few replies backwards & forwards, the
C> text down at the bottom of the email has 3 or 4 of the '>'
C> characters before it - I assume because one '>' is added everythime
C> you or the recipient hits the reply button.

Yes. This is standard behaviour that can't be changed once you're
quoting when replying using %Quotes.

C> The problem I found when I changed to %TEXT was that some of the
C> text that you are replying to remains coloured black - whereas if
C> you use the %QUOTES, all the replied to text is in a different
C> colour to the one that you use. Is there any way to strike a
C> balance between the two - on the one hand, have all text quoted
C> like with %TEXT, but on the other have it all a different colour
C> like in %QUOTES?

This colour coding is intrinsic to TB!. It's not sent with the
messages. I'm not sure if the reason you wish to see the difference in
how colouring is done, is for what you or what your recipient is to see.

     -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
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